Title: | NBER Working Papers |
Description: | Catalogue of NBER working papers published between June 1973 and December 2021. |
Authors: | Benjamin Davies [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Benjamin Davies <[email protected]> |
License: | CC0 |
Version: | 1.2.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-01 06:07:19 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bldavies/nberwp |
Data frame containing author attributes.
Data frame with columns
Author ID.
Author name.
Author username on NBER website.
Author username on RePEc.
Binary indicator for whether author is female. Values of -1 denote genders that could not be identified.
Source of gender information. Values of 1 and 2 denote genders identified using SSA baby name and Facebook data, respectively. Negative values -x denote genders identified incorrectly by source x and overwritten manually. Values of 0 denote genders identified manually.
Most author genders come from matching authors' names against 1940–1995 US Social Security Administration baby name data provided by the package babynames, and against Facebook name and self-reported gender data collected by Tang et al. (2011). Remaining genders come from manual identification, which involves searching for gendered pronouns in online biographies, news articles, and professional and social media profiles. It also involves using online photos and video (e.g., interview and lecture) footage. See Davies (2022) for more details.
National Bureau of Economic Research
Davies, B. (2022). Gender sorting among economists: Evidence from the NBER. Economics Letters. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110640
Tang, C., Ross, K., Saxena, N., and Chen, R. (2011). What’s in a Name: A Study of Names, Gender Inference, and Gender Behavior in Facebook. In Xu, J., Yu, G., Zhou, S., and Unland, R., editors, Database Systems for Advanced Applications, volume 6637. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
authors if (require('dplyr')) { paper_authors %>% count(author) %>% left_join(authors) }
authors if (require('dplyr')) { paper_authors %>% count(author) %>% left_join(authors) }
Data frame containing paper-author correspondences.
Data frame with columns
Working paper number.
Author ID.
National Bureau of Economic Research
paper_authors if (require('dplyr')) { paper_authors %>% count(author) %>% left_join(authors) }
paper_authors if (require('dplyr')) { paper_authors %>% count(author) %>% left_join(authors) }
Crosswalk between NBER working papers and programs.
Data frame with columns
Working paper number.
Program code.
National Bureau of Economic Research
paper_programs if (require('dplyr')) { paper_programs %>% count(program) %>% left_join(programs) }
paper_programs if (require('dplyr')) { paper_programs %>% count(program) %>% left_join(programs) }
Data frame containing working paper attributes.
Data frame with columns
Working paper number.
Publication year.
Publication month.
Publication outlet code:
"Top five" journal (i.e., American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, or Review of Economic Studies).
Other journal.
Book or book chapter.
If published in multiple outlets then uses lowest code. Unpublished papers have NA values. Publication statuses last updated on March 26, 2022.
National Bureau of Economic Research
papers if (require('dplyr')) { papers %>% count(year) }
papers if (require('dplyr')) { papers %>% count(year) }
Crosswalk between NBER program codes, descriptions and categories.
Data frame with columns
Program code.
Program description.
Program category based on Chari and Goldsmith-Pinkham (2017).
National Bureau of Economic Research
Chari, A. and P. Goldsmith-Pinkham (2017). Gender Representation in Economics Across Topics and Time: Evidence from the NBER Summer Institute. NBER Working Paper No. 23953, National Bureau of Economic Research.
programs if (require('dplyr')) { paper_programs %>% count(program) %>% left_join(programs) }
programs if (require('dplyr')) { paper_programs %>% count(program) %>% left_join(programs) }